Apple Utilizing Liquidmetal Alloy in iPhone SIM Ejector Tool


via SlashGear by Evan Selleck on 8/17/10

It's only been a few days since Apple officially announced that they acquired Liquidmetal's IP, and immediately following the announcement rumors started swirling around like mad. What would the Cupertino-based company do with this new found acquisition? What mind-boggling things would they come up with next? Well, it turns out that Apple's actually been using the alloy for a little while now, and in the most unlikely of places.

SIM ejector pin 540x307

Word comes directly from the alloy's co-inventor, Atakan Peker, that he immediately recognized the SIM ejector tool that Apple includes with older iPhone models as his creation. As he put its it, "That's my metal. I recognized it immediately. Take it from an expert, that's Liquidmetal."

Unfortunately, there's no word on what's coming next from the acquisition. If anything at all. However, due to the fact that the two companies have obviously been working together in some fashion or another, Apple's move to purchase the one-of-a-kind company will hopefully mean something interesting comes of it. There's probably a ton of great ideas swirling around already, we'll just have to hope that Liquidmetal can fulfill those wishes.

[via Cult of Mac]

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